Page 36-37 - Global_Renewables_FebMarch2012

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Puritanism - retribution for what
we have done to the world’s
environment – or looked at as a
massive opportunity. Now I could
be accused of being the ultimate
optimist – but I fall into the
But let’s just look at what is
predicted to happen across East
Kent – a great example actually
of the impacts of climate change.
Well something that some in
Thanet would welcome – we could
become an island again – by 2050
some predictions show that you
would have had to get here by
boat or bridge not via the A299.
And Sandwich would be f looded
regularly if we were not putting
in f lood defences. So on one
hand we would have a lot of water
– and on the other hand we would
not have enough water – water to
drink – water for industry – water
for the Garden of England. As
they say in the train business
when the trees shed their leaves
– we will have the wrong sort of
These are not easy issues to
combat – but they are being
addressed in this strategy – long
term planning, careful remedial
policies in place, deep under-
standing that we cannot and
should not take our existing
environment and pattern of life
for granted. This is truly strate-
gic - Kent takes your environ-
ment seriously and will ensure
that the beauty and economic
well-being of this county is
preserved into the future. Kent
needs to work with Nature’s grain
not against it.
Now you might say what is this
wacky Conservative MP talking
about the environment as if she
was a cheer leader for the Green
Party – well the tradition of the
conservative party is about long-
termism, about protecting what
was good while not be afraid of
the new – but ensuring that
change happens in balance not
in jolts and shudders.
Our philosophy was and now
is again about getting the bal-
ance right between unfettered
capitalism with quality of life –
but underlying this is the
realisation that quality of life not
only delivers human growth – it
truly delivers long term sustain-
able business growth.”
The connection of Thanet’s
300MW of capacity in 2010 will boost
UK offshore wind capacity by more
than 30% and will produce on aver-
age enough electricity to supply more
than 200,000 homes with clean elec-
• One of f ive potential offshore
wind farms in the Thames Estuary
Strategic Environmental Area.
• The wind farm is located in water
depths of 20-25m and covers an area
of 35km2.
• There are 100 turbines with a
maximum total capacity of 300MW,
enough to power more than 200,000
• The nearest turbine is located
approx 12km north east of Foreness
• Each turbine is 115m tall at its
highest point, with a minimum clear-
ance above sea level of 22m.
• The distance between turbines is
approximately 500m along rows and
800m between rows.