Page 4 - Canadian Industry Online
P. 4
editor’s noteYOU MAY HAVE noticed a common theme this month in our content: our intervieweesare primarily women. While I’m hesitant to call this issue our Women in Business Issue, when it comes down to it it sends the message we’d like to send: great businesses in Canada are run by wom- en and these leaders in particular (Mandy Ren- nehan, Rhiannon Traill, etc.) have an incredible story to tell. There is no question: we need to do a better job of encouraging young women to get into predominantly male occupations, and the inter- viewees in this issue can attest to that. So enjoy their stories and remember that Canada is the greatest country to be an female entrepreneur!As always, we welcome your feedback and will consider contributions: email me at sara.kopa- Kopamees Editor in Chief

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